Blizzard Prohibits Controversial Gear Acquisition Method in New WoW Classic Season


Oh, the drama of WoW Classic! Blizzard has put its foot down, banning a once-popular loot-earning method. Why? Well, it seems they’ve been tuning in to the player chatter, and there’s worry this method might be causing more issues than it’s solving.

So, what’s this controversial method? It’s called a GDKP, short for gold dragon kill points. A twist on the old-school DKP system, which some guilds still swear by. This system was all about earning points for raid participation, boss kills, and other guild activities. Then, players would use their hard-earned points to bid on loot. The more points you had, the more bidding power you wielded.

But GDKP changed the game. Instead of points, players used real in-game gold. This setup became a hit for those with more gold than time on their hands. And let’s not forget the top guilds, who found it a lucrative way to fill their coffers when WoW Classic hit the scene in 2019. They’d host a GDKP run, and all that gold spent on items? Straight into their guild bank.

Fast forward to 2024. We’re in the thick of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, and guess what? GDKPs are still a thing. Despite the grumbles from some corners of the community about it encouraging shady gold buying and smelling a bit too much like pay-to-win.

But Blizzard’s drawing a line in the sand. They’ve announced, come Phase 2 of Season of Discovery, GDKPs are out on seasonal servers. Starting February 8, it’s a no-go. Blizzard’s reasoning? While they get the appeal, they’re worried about the impact on traditional guild dynamics and the overall vibe of the season. They’re calling it an experiment, part of the season’s “let’s try something new” ethos.

And there’s more. Alongside the GDKP ban, Blizzard’s rolling out some fancy new tech aimed at bot busting and keeping the baddies at bay. They’ve had a bit of a test run and are liking what they see, but they’re still calling on players to keep those reports coming.

As for what’s next, Phase 2 is shaking things up big time. The Gnomeregan dungeon? It’s getting a makeover into a 10-man raid. There’s also a new free-for-all PvP event, the Blood Moon, on the horizon. Plus, players can look forward to fresh runes and abilities, shaking up the class dynamics. All this drops February 8, so mark your calendars.

Whew, that’s a lot to take in, right? Blizzard’s certainly keeping things interesting. Let’s see how this all plays out.

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Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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