Fortnite Update Introduces Rocket Racing Speed Run Mode


Oh boy, Fortnite’s been on a roll lately, hasn’t it? Just in the past few weeks, it’s like they’ve been pumping out updates like crazy. And let me tell ya, Rocket Racing? Totally not left behind in this update frenzy.

They’ve gone and added this “Speed Run” mode. It’s pretty wild. Players are thrown into courses – think Riviera, Anaconda, Olympus – and it’s all about nailing the best lap times.

Now, here’s the kicker. The update’s blog post spilled the beans on some juicy details. Collisions between players? Gone. They’ve axed them so you can zoom around without a care in the world. And slipstreams from other racers? Nope, can’t use ’em. It’s just you, the track, and your need for speed.

You’ve got ample time to keep trying and better your time, with your top score making its way to the seasonal leaderboard. Oh, and those classic racing-game style ghosts are there too. They’re like your personal racing tutors, showing you where you can shave off those precious seconds.

Switching gears for a sec. Ever tried watching a video and your browser just goes, “Nope”? Happens to the best of us. And, uh, apparently, you need to be pretty specific about when you were born to watch certain videos. Because, you know, rules and stuff.

And if you’re into legal mumbo-jumbo, there’s always a bit about agreeing to terms of use and privacy policies. Because, well, that’s the internet for ya.

Oh, and did anyone catch that Fortnite x Lady Gaga trailer? Now that’s something you don’t see every day.

But wait, there’s more! The Rocket Racing update isn’t just about going fast. They’ve thrown in quests for the Speed Run mode, dialed in the controls for mobile, and even dropped some fresh cosmetics. Like the Diestro Car Bundle – free if you’ve got the car in Rocket League. Plus, they’ve tweaked the vehicle physics and handling. Fancy, right?

And just when you thought Fortnite couldn’t get any more Fortnite-y, they add fishing to the Lego mode. Because why not? With four tiers of rods and 15 fish to catch, it’s like a whole new game. Oh, and the Fortnite Festival? Now featuring Lady Gaga. Because of course, it does.

So, yeah. Fortnite’s been busy. Between racing, fishing, and Lady Gaga, it’s like they’re throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. And honestly? I’m here for it.

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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