Helldivers 2 Sales Surge, Overwhelm Servers with High Demand


Helldivers 2’s smashing through expectations, it seems. The devs are hustling to fix those pesky server issues.

Since dropping on February 8, it’s been a wild ride. Johan Pilestedt, the big boss at Arrowhead Game Studios, spilled the beans. They’ve sold a cool million copies already. And that’s just the start.

Pilestedt’s pretty jazzed about the sales. They’re “blowing through the estimates,” he says. But will Sony shout about the numbers from the rooftops? Who knows.

Oh, and about those video specs and HTML5 stuff? Yeah, that’s tech speak for “get with the times, browser!”

Invalid file format? Classic.

“Sorry, you’re outta luck here!” But hey, if you’re old enough, there’s a video waiting.

Click ‘enter’, and you’re agreeing to all those terms and privacy things. You know the drill.

Now, onto the juicy bits.

Three hotfixes have already been rolled out. They’re tackling those server gremlins head-on.

Rewards MIA, login headaches, servers bursting at the seams. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Pilestedt hit Reddit, wearing his heart on his sleeve. “I know it’s a bummer, especially for the newbies craving that cool gear,” he said. “We’re super sorry, and we’re on it, promise.”

So, they cranked up the server capacity. From 250,000 to 360,000. But guess what? That new limit? Hit in under six minutes. Talk about popular.

Rewards getting lost in the ether? That’s the high traffic for you.

Helldivers 2 is making waves on PC, setting records for Sony. February 11 saw nearly 156,000 players all diving in at once.

You can grab it on PS5 and PC. So, what are you waiting for?

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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