Helldivers 2 Server Capacity Boosted to 700,000 Players: Will It Suffice?


Oh boy, Helldivers 2 is ramping things up! The devs over at Arrowhead are pushing the envelope, expanding the game’s server capacity to a whopping 700,000 concurrent users. That’s a lot of democracy in action, folks. But hold your horses, they say. With the game’s popularity skyrocketing, they’re bracing for a digital stampede this weekend.

Arrowhead’s big cheese, Johan Pilestedt, dropped some knowledge bombs on X/Twitter about the update. “We’ve cranked the max CCU cap to 700,000,” he said. But here’s the kicker: they fully expect to hit that number. They’re optimistic, though, thinking wait times will shrink. “Might still slam into that ceiling in the future, but for now, we’re in uncharted waters,” another tweet teased. They’re keeping an eagle eye on things, monitoring the situation closely.

Now, for something completely different. You ever try watching videos on a toaster? Doesn’t work. You need a browser that’s up to snuff for HTML5 video goodness. And if you’re seeing a message saying you can’t access content, it might be time to check your calendar. They’re asking for your DOB, and no, lying about your age won’t make you younger.

Remember when Helldivers 2 first launched? The server capacity was a modest 250,000. Then it ballooned to 360,000, and not too long after, 450,000. Demand’s through the roof, and waiting times have been a pain. But fixing this isn’t as simple as throwing money at more servers, Pilestedt explains. It’s a coding marathon, optimizing that backend code. They’re hitting the wall, hard.

And hey, there’s a new patch in town. It’s kicking liberty’s loiterers to the curb, showing AFK players the door if they’re idle for 15 minutes. Plus, it’s ironing out some crash-inducing wrinkles and freeing players stuck in animation limbo. The patch notes are a laundry list of fixes and tweaks.

Helldivers 2 isn’t just sticking to PS5; there’s chatter about an Xbox port. And for those twiddling their thumbs, waiting to dive in, maybe give Starship Troopers a rewatch. It’s oddly relevant again.

Patch 1.000.11 is a godsend, squashing bugs left and right. From crashes during ship joins, ADS exits, to session departures amidst bombardments. They’ve even tackled the unselectable missions on the Galactic War Map. And for those battling with GameGuard or the Windows firewall, relief is in sight. Ship Management panels are back in business, and those pesky intro cinematics won’t hold you hostage anymore. Plus, if buying Super Credits goes south, or if quickplay turns into quicksand, the game’s got your back. Oh, and don’t forget about the new idle policy—15 minutes of inactivity, and it’s back to the title screen for you.

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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