Nightingale Guide: Fast Travel & Using Estate Cairns


So, you’ve found yourself in the vast universe of Nightingale, huh? Each corner of this game is brimming with mysteries and realms galore. But, let’s be real, amidst all this exploring, you’re gonna need a place to kick back. A spot that feels like home. And guess what? I’ve got just the guide for you on how to zip around these realms and make the most of Estate Cairns.

Diving straight into the heart of it, the fast travel in Nightingale isn’t your everyday magic carpet ride. It’s all about this nifty thing called the Estate Cairn. Now, you can’t just plop this down anywhere. Nope, it’s gotta be in Abeyance Realms. And you’re gonna need some materials – 20 rocks and 5 stone blocks, to be exact.

Once you’ve got your Estate Cairn up and running, it’s like marking your territory. That realm? It’s officially your home base. No matter where your adventures take you, a quick peek at the map and a click on the “Travel to Respite Realm” button zips you right back. But here’s a kicker – the realm you leave might not be the one you return to, thanks to the game’s procedural generation. Keeps things spicy, doesn’t it?

Building an Estate Cairn is a breeze, really. Just a few rocks and blocks, and you’re set. But hey, here’s a pro tip: location, location, location. You want your home base in a spot that’s not just scenic but practical. Think resource-rich areas or near those handy vendor NPCs. And if you can, aim for a forest biome. They’re generally safer than, say, a desert or swamp.

Oh, and if you’re out there in a realm without an Estate Cairn and you meet your untimely demise? No worries. You’ll pop back at the nearest Faerie Ring. Handy, right? But remember, you can only have one Estate Cairn active at any time. If you decide the grass looks greener on the other side, feel free to relocate. Just build a new one, and it’ll override the old spot.

Now, what if you’re hit by the wanderlust bug and portal your way to a new Abeyance Realm? Build and activate a new Estate Cairn there, and bam, new home base. But, a heads-up: switching realms might lock you out of your old one if you’ve tinkered with the portal settings. So, maybe don’t be too hasty in leaving your old digs behind.

Feeling homesick? Your Respite Realm is always there, waiting for you to return whenever you fancy.

And hey, for those of you itching for some company, the Estate Cairn’s got you covered in multiplayer too. Finished the tutorial? Great, now you can invite friends over or open your realm to the public. If they set up their own Estate Cairn in your realm, it becomes their home base too. Talk about communal living, right?

So there you have it. That’s the lowdown on fast traveling and using Estate Cairns in Nightingale. And since we’re on the topic of hopping between worlds, don’t forget to check out Realm Cards and Realmic Transmuters. They’re pretty cool too.

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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