Pacific Drive: Car Repair Guide


Oh boy, you’re in for quite the adventure on Pacific Drive. Trust me, it’s not just a drive in the park. You’ll be dodging more than just potholes; think environmental hazards and anomalies that seem to have a personal vendetta against your car. So, let’s dive into keeping your ride in one piece, shall we?

First things first, your car’s gonna need some TLC every now and then. And by TLC, I mean hammering out dents and patching up holes with whatever you can find. You’ve got options like Repair Putty and the Sealant Kit. Ever heard of a Friendly Dumpster? Yeah, it’s a thing here, and it’s surprisingly helpful.

But wait, let’s back up a sec. Do you even know what you’re driving? Your car’s got doors (five, to be exact), panels, and wheels—yeah, the usual suspects. But there’s also the bumpers, engine, battery, and even some fancy attachments you can add on. Each part’s got its own health bar, so to speak.

Ran into a tree? Front bumper’s probably seen better days. Weird anomaly on the road? Could be your headlights and windshield next. The good news is, you can fix ’em up or just craft new ones if you’re feeling crafty. Just a heads up, though, if you snag an item with “Peculiar” stamped on it, it’s a one-and-done deal. Use it wisely.

Alright, so you’ve got a banged-up car. What’s next? Whip out your scanner (that’s the “C” key, by the way) and give the damaged part a good once-over. It’ll tell you what you need to patch things up. Sometimes, though, you’re outta luck and need to unlock some blueprint first. Annoying, I know.

Crafting’s your best friend here. Repair Putty, Electrician’s Kit, you name it. Most of these goodies are a one-shot deal, so make ’em count. Just remember, the workbench is your go-to spot for all your crafting needs.

Ever thrown something in a dumpster and got something better back? Me neither, but in Pacific Drive, it’s a thing. The Friendly Dumpster, to be exact. It’s like a magic box that gives you what you need, sometimes. Then there’s the Matter Regenerator—sounds fancy, right? It fixes up your car parts while you’re out risking your neck on the road.

Oh, and for those of you who like to plan ahead, there’s the Liberator. It lets you swipe parts from abandoned cars. Handy, right? And don’t even get me started on upgrading to better parts. You’ll want those advanced alloys if you don’t fancy visiting the repair shop every five minutes.

So, there you have it. Keep your car in tip-top shape, and it’ll do the same for you. And hey, don’t forget to check out our beginner’s guide for more tips on surviving Pacific Drive. Safe travels!

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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