Rocksteady Ignores Batman: Arkham Origins in Suicide Squad


Oh boy, “Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League” just dropped. If you shelled out for the pricier edition, congrats! You’re already diving deep into Rocksteady’s latest adventure, post-Batman era. Yet, it’s still cozily nestled in the Arkhamverse. But, get this – early on, there’s a vibe that Rocksteady’s kinda snubbing WB Montreal’s “Batman: Arkham Origins.” Like, it’s not part of their club.

Heads up, minor spoilers ahead. So, if you’re keen on keeping the surprises fresh, maybe skip this bit.

About an hour in, your motley crew of villains stumbles into The Batman Experience. It’s this interactive gig at the Metropolis History Museum. All about the Dark Knight. As you poke around, there’s a ton of stuff on Batman’s heroics and the baddies he’s taken down. Gotham’s own Jack Ryder narrates, giving you the lowdown on each villain.

But here’s the kicker. As you’re wrapping up, you might notice something odd. Not a single nod to “Arkham Origins.” Yeah, that 2013 prequel by WB Montreal. Rocksteady’s been pretty vocal about their Arkham games being a trilogy, starting with “Arkham Asylum.” Calling it a trilogy, though? Seems a bit off when you think about it.

Is this some sort of slight at WB Montreal? Or maybe it’s Rocksteady being respectful, not wanting to claim credit for something they didn’t cook up. Or, who knows, maybe it’s a Warner Bros. mandate for reasons they’re keeping under wraps.

In every Batman exhibit, “Arkham Origins” is like it never happened.

“Suicide Squad” keeps up with tradition, giving “Arkham Origins” the cold shoulder. Even though villains from Origins, like Deathstroke and Firefly, make an appearance, the chatter only covers their roles in Rocksteady’s titles.

Take Firefly, for instance. The exhibit chats up his arson spree from “Arkham Knight,” but glosses over his showdown with Batman on a bridge in Origins. And Deathstroke? It’s all about his Gotham invasion, not his face-off with Batman in Blackgate. Black Mask, a key player in Origins, doesn’t even get a look in, while lesser-knowns from Rocksteady’s lineup get their moment in the spotlight.

It’s been clear for a while that Rocksteady’s choice to sideline “Arkham Origins” is deliberate. The real mystery is who’s making these calls and why. I’ve only just started playing, so maybe there’s a nod to Origins waiting down the line. But this early omission? Feels like Rocksteady’s saying “Arkham Origins” is in a universe of its own.

Sam Gordon
Sam Gordon
Gordon serves as a freelance writer for GamerInbox while also pursuing his studies in Games Design and acting as a Video Game Ambassador. He has been contributing to GamerInbox for more than 5 months.


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