Xur is back in Destiny 2, bringing a new collection of Exotic weapons and armor. This week, he offers the Exotic weapon catalysts for Trinity Ghoul and Fighting Lion. Hunters can grab the Wormhusk Crown, Titans have the Doom Fang Pauldron, and Warlocks can get the Claws of Ahamkara. If you’re after Exotic weapons, you can find Hawkmoon, Sweet Business, Wavesplitter, and The Colony.
Xur Location
Head to the Tower, then take a right past Banshee-44. Go down the stairs, follow the corridor, and turn right in the Bazaar alleyway. Xur will be waiting in his usual spot. Make sure you have enough Strange Coins to buy what you need. If you’re not sure how to get Strange Coins, check out our guide.
Xur’s Exotic Items And Other Wares
- Trinity Ghoul Exotic weapon catalyst — 71 Strange Coins
- Fighting Lion Exotic weapon catalyst — 71 Strange Coins
- Exotic Class item — 41 Strange Coins
- Wormhusk Crown — 41 Strange Coins
- Doom Fang Pauldron — 41 Strange Coins
- Claws of Ahamkara — 23 Strange Coins
- Wavesplitter (Exotic trace rifle) — 23 Strange Coins
- Sweet Business (Exotic auto rifle) — 23 Strange Coins
- The Colony (Exotic grenade launcher) — 23 Strange Coins
- Hawkmoon (Exotic hand cannon) — 23 Strange Coins
- Legendary Armor — 17 Strange Coins
- Legendary Weapons — 17 Strange Coins
Sometimes we just can’t decide what to buy first.
Essentialism / Solipsism / Stoicism (Exotic class item)
The Exotic class items are tough to get unless you do the Dual Destiny mission with exactly two guardians. And a recent patch made it even harder! Luckily, Xur has them sometimes, but only if you’ve completed Duality.
“Xur will only sell these to you if you’ve completed Duality, as merely unlocking the mission isn’t enough.”
You better stock up on those Strange Coins to buy multiple rolls since Xur doesn’t offer these every week.
“Xur won’t have Exotic class items every week, so you’ll want to farm for Strange Coins to have enough to buy multiple rolls.”
Wormhusk Crown (Exotic Hunter helmet)
The Wormhusk Crown is great for PvP because dodging gives a small health and shield boost. In PvE, it’s also powerful with the right build. This roll has low stats in intellect, discipline, and recovery but high strength.
- Mobility: 15
- Resilience: 9
- Recovery: 8
- Discipline: 6
- Intellect: 6
- Strength: 28
- Total: 62
Doom Fang Pauldron (Exotic Titan gauntlets)
This exotic is made for Titans who focus on their void abilities. Killing enemies with void damage gives a bonus to void weapon damage. Pair this with Wavesplitter for lethal power! It also boosts void melee and super abilities.
The stats are weird but might work if you want high intellect for super charging.
- Total:68
Claws of Ahamkara(Exotic Warlock gauntlets)
figure >< p >An extra melee charge is debatable in usefulness but Claws of Ahamkara create an Orb of Power when landing a final charged melee hit . Great with Strand or Prismatic subclasses , especially Arcane Needle . Stats are balanced except for high mobility and low intellect.< ul >< li >Mobility :10< li >Resilience :12< li >Recovery :12< li >Discipline :14< li >Intellect :6< li >Strength :11< li >Total :65
Exotic Weapon Catalysts h2 >
Trinity Ghoul( Exotic bow ) h3 >
Forked Lightning : Lightning Rod now triggers from any Arc damage final blow. p >
Fighting Lion( Exotic grenade launcher ) h3 >
Improved stats : boosts stability and reload speed. p >
Strange Gear Offers( Exotic Weapons ) h2 >
< img src ="https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original /1601 /16018044 /4356228 -destiny22024 -08 -2319 -06 -12.jpg "> img > p >
More Strange Offers h2 >
- Favor of the Nine–Spend47Strange Coinsto unlock
- Ascendant Shards–14Strange Coin
- Enhancement Cores–14Strange Coin
- Glimmer package–14Strange Coin
“Xur Vendor Rewards Track” h2 >
- Strange Engram–Unlocks at major ranks
- Enhancement Cores–Rank4
- Enhancement Prisms–Rank7
- Exotic Engram–Rank10
- Ascendant Shard–Rank13
- Ascendant Alloy–Rank16
- Exotic Cipher–Earned after resetting Xur vendor rank
Titan Titan Titan Gauntlets 12 14 7 Xur’s trading method has evolved in The Final Shape.He now sells two rotating exotic weapon catalysts weekly.Older catalysts that were random drops before The Witch Queen expansion are included,but not those linked with quests or specific missions.Xur will also offer three random exotic weapons alongside Hawkmoon.Legendary armor,weapons,and engrams remain available too.Xur now has his reputation track;earn more by spending more.Strange Favor Buff activates after spending47Strange Coin,giving bonus coin chances.Xuris present every weekend from10AM PT /1PM ET on Friday. p >
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- Total:68